A little bit about microservices — Part 3

Samuel Urias
2 min readFeb 7, 2021

Part 2

We have cover what is a microservice, an individual piece of code that can be written in any language/technology that is needed, also a little bit about how we need to think when we are talking about microservices, individual pieces of code that work together that makes the deployment of new features easier and quick.

When microservices one of the things that you want to achieve is to be able to change a microservice for another and do not see any difference. To achieve that you have to have very specific interfaces between your services.

You need a definition that all of the parts that are going to be interacting know and use.

The changes we implement in our system are often about changes the business wants to make to how the systems behave.

If the parts of the system are isolated per functionality, data, and business logic and our microservices are also isolated by the business logic of “domain ( Domain Driven Design concepts)” the changes that we are going to make are isolated too.

For example, if you have a chat system or a notification system that works with other parts of the application, you can change or modify the notification systems without impacting the rest of the program. That part of the system works isolated from the other parts and if you replace the notification systems for a new product released by another team in another language, you only have to develop a common interface for the rest of the services that connect to the microservice.

This reduces the number of places we need to make a change and allows us to deploy that change quickly.

It sounds very simple but I suggest you read a book about Domain-Driven Design because the understanding of this topic is very deep for a single post.

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